Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Forward, inch by inch...

As a multi-published paranormal romantic suspense/comedy and more author, I have a vivid imagination! Today I want to introduce you all to my characters from SMALL PACKAGES-A CHRISTMAS STORY that releases on December 10, 2009 from Red Rose Publishing.

"Paula, please introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your story."

Paula: "Hello, everyone, I'm Paula Winters, though my pen name is Paula Preston. I write romance novels. My beloved husband passed away a few years ago and now my two adult daughters are sending me on a Christmas cruise, though I'd rather stay home with my laptop and write. The last thing I plan on doing is meeting a man and having a shipboard fling."

"Thanks Paula. Now, Derek, please tell us your story."

Derek: "Thanks, Franny. I'm Derek Rawlins, a widower with a full grown son who practically forced me to go on this blasted cruise. I just want to immerse myself in my work. I have no interest in meeting a woman, period! I've had the love of my life and with her gone, I have no heart left to share."

"So sad. Well, I hope you two will meet someone on the cruise anyway. I hear a cruise can be a very romantic place to be."

Both characters laugh. Neither one believes they'll see anything more interesting than their laptops.

Hmmm, guess we'll have to find out when SMALL PACKAGES-A CHRISTMAS STORY comes out in December. Stay tuned for details.

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